"Dreams, Growth and Progress Begin at Home"

"Most people don’t plan to fail, they fail to plan."
Goal Planning
Goal Planning involves setting up of a Goal, means to achieve and time to time tracking for Goal achievement.

Insurance Planning
Health and Wealth are two sides of the same coin and life would be incomplete without either of them.
Financial Planning
As your financial planner, we will help you assess your monetary situation.

MOASHK being a professionally managed company has won the trust and appreciation of local and international principals and customers. MOASHK aims to build on its own reputation for reliability, quality, experience and leadership as one of the best organizations, always improving the quality and services.
A leading financial solutions provider in Kuwait, MOASHK was established in 2006 in Kuwait. With a sole aim to provide its customers with the best financial products and sound advice. Our vision and values have enabled us to withstand all market conditions and helped us grow our client base manifold. We possess a mature portfolio of financial products and our experience ensures sound advice to our clients. Our core team constitutes of skilled MBA’s Financial Analysts, Planners, Investments and Insurance experts.